UnOrdinary Blogger



Chrome Browser On Linux

Chrome browser, Google official browser now available on Linux based OS like Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE

In Memoriam: Gusdur
Today Indonesia have lost former President of Indonesia, Abdurahman Wahid as known as Gusdur.
He died 06:45 PM in RSCM

Goodbey Gusdur. Thank You for all you did for better Indonesia :(


Mengakses Bookmark Opera Mini

Mungkin Teman-teman sudah tahu kalau salah satu fitur Opera Mini adalah Sync bookmarks and Speed Dial, dalam Bahasa Indonesia kira-kira adalah menyinkronkan penanda dan tombol cepat ke situs favorit Kita. Jadi kita tidak perlu repot-repot mengingat alamat situs yang Kita tandai waktu browsing lewat opera mini. Fitur Opera Link memungkinkan Kita mengakses bookmark, speed dial, personal bar, note, browser history dan custom search di manapun, dengan catatan Kita telah login ke akun Opera Link sebelum kita mem-bookmark alamat yang Kita inginkan. Kalau belum punya akun Opera silahkan daftar di sini

Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope Rasa Mac OSX

Sebenarnya selain booting yang lebih cepat (wincrot Vista kalah cepat kayaknya), tampilan Ubuntu 9.04 a.k.a Jaunty Jackalope sudah lumayan enak


Pidgin Plugin: Pidgin-Facebookchat

Pidgin-Facebookchat adalah plugin untuk Pidgin dan libpurple messengers yang memungkinkan Kita terhubung dengan fasilitas IM Facebook. Plugin opensouce ini dibuat oleh Mas Eion Robb dibantu oleh Pak Casey Ho dan Kang Mark Doliner :)
Plugin facebookchat tersedia untuk OS Wincrot (.exe) dan Linux (.deb) serta dalam bentuk tar.gz buat yang mau lihat source kodenya


SpongeBob Homo???

Siapa sih yang gak kenal sama SpongeBob SquarePants, Gary Snail, Patrick Star, Squidward Tentacles, Mr. Krab? Mereka adalah karakter-karakter dalam serial kartun populer SpongeBob SquarePants. Kartun rekaan seorang artis (artis di sini tidak sama dengan artis di Indonesia), animator sekaligus seorang ahli Biologi bernama Mas Stephen Hillenburg ini menurut Time Magazine adalah salah satu acara terbaik yang pernah ditayangkan.


Pidgin: Aplikasi Chat All in One

Pidgin is an easy to use and free chat client used by millions. Connect to AIM, ICQ, Google Talk, Jabber/XMPP, MSN Messenger, Yahoo!, Bonjour, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, Novell GroupWise Messenger, QQ, Lotus Sametime, SILC, SIMPLE, MySpaceIM, and Zephyr
Ini favorit saya lho :)


Menampilkan Status Yahoo Messenger

Sudah banyak yang membahas ini, tapi saya sering lupa, jadi lebih baik saya tulis saja di blog :)

Ada banyak cara menampilkan status YM! di blog, kalau di wordpress kayaknya ada pluginnya, berhubung saya menggunakan blogspot maka saya memakai cara yang bisa digunakan di blog saya

Pertama, masuk ke dasbor blogger dulu, kemudian di tab tata letak klik tambah gadget, pilih HTML/Javascript, lalu salin dan tempelkan kode dibawah ini

Perhatian: Ganti akunYM!Anda dengan akun yahoo! yang Anda miliki. t=1 adalah variasi ikon status yang akan Anda tampilkan

Ada 16 variasi ikon status YM! yang bisa Anda gunakan



Binder Buku Blankon Linux

Blankon Linux adalah salah satu distro linux turunan dari Ubuntu di mana Ubuntu sendiri adalah distro dari Debian, tapi Kali ini Saya tidak akan membahas itu semua :P


This is Sparta, hahaha

I found it in devianart, look slide picture till end :)

Sparta in other version :D

Happy watching LOL


Opera Mini, The Most Popular mobile Web Browser

Fast and free. Opera Mini is one of popular mobile web browser in the world. Used by over 20 million users. Opera Mini enables you to take your full Web experience to your phone. Opera Mini is built for speed. Web pages are compressed by up to 90% of its orginal size for speed, saving your time & money. Its important for user like me :P

Latest version of Opera Mini is version 4.2. Its even faster than older version. Also added Skinning feature like Opera Mini 3. Click here and here (for mobile user) For more informations about Opera Mini feature.

Download latest version here or here (for mobile user)

Happy browsing :)

Learning to MXit

MXit (pronounced "mix it") is a free instant messaging software application developed in South Africa. MXit also supports connection to other instant messagers such as MSN Messenger, ICQ and Google Talk. Same like mig33 and Nimbuzz, Mxit does not charge for one-on-one messages, and because messages are sent via the internet and not via SMS.


Introducing to Mig33

Mig33 is one of mobile instant messenger, like nimbuzz, mxit, avacs, etc. Mig33 is founded by Steven Goh and Mei Lin Ng in December 2005. Mig33 has quickly spread around the world, growing to millions of users in more than 200 countries. Driven on the strength of user recommendations.
Mig33 have chat room, private chat, compatible with instant messaging services like MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, GTALK, SMS, and voice over internet protocol (VoIP) call.

In Indonesia, mig33 has influenced many people, like Me. Mig33 users (called 'migger') have big enthusiasm all about mig33, like room admin, user, etc. They also have routine agenda, named KOPDAR (in indonesia - kopidarat) There is reason why I do this blog and and forum.
You can be mig33 member by registering on on your desktop or http://m.mig33 com on your mobile browser or download.

Happy chat!!!

Adding YM Pingbox

Pingbox is Yahoo's customizable and embeddable IM application for Web pages that allow individuals to IM a user directly from that user's Web site. Friends will be able to IM others from their profile page without having to download or sign onto Yahoo Messenger, even when they are not on Facebook.
Now we will add Pingbox to blogspot

1. Login to your yahoo account
2. Go to
3. Click "Create Pingbox" >> Click "Create New"
4. Modif according your taste >> Save
7. Choose Pingbox to Blogger (or other your own website)
8. Copy the code
9. Sign into your >> Layout >> Add Gadget
10. In the pop-up window, click on "ADD TO BLOG" under HTML/JavaScript.
11. Type in desired "Title" such as "Chat with Me!" or "My Pingbox".
12. Paste the Pingbox code into the "Content" area (Ctrl+V).
13. Click "SAVE CHANGES" to close the pop-up window.

Finish :D
Now your blog visitor can chat with You ;)

Give Thanks To Allah by Michael Jackson

Give thanks to Allah
for the moon and the stars
prays in all day full
what is and what was

take hold of your iman
don't givin to shaitan
oh you who believe
please give thanks to Allah

Allahu Ghofur
Allahu Rahim
Allahu yuhibbul Muhsinin
Hua kholiquna
Hua Raziquna
wa Hua ala kulli syaiin qadir

Allah is Ghofur
Allah is Rahim
Allah is one who loves the Mukhsinin

He is a Creater
He is a Sistainer
and He is The One who has power over all

I Want To Be Blogger


After make little modification with illacrimo template (many thanks to Blogandweb and designdisease ), now I'm ready to blogging :)

also to Blogger, which make my blog learning feel easy :)

I want to be blogger...!!! 

Welcome to my ordinary blog, from ordinary man :)


I don't though quick feel bored :(

now I have changed my blog with corporate template :)